Privacy Policy

We are happy to be of service to our candidates and clients. For this we use data that can be traced back to persons. We collect information about candidates and customers of a general nature such as name, address, place of residence, training, Chamber of Commerce numbers, etc. We do this mainly in two forms: via the website and via our service procedure.


Our website collects a few things about you as a visitor or user. We do this for the following purposes:

  • We collect anonymous data about how you use our website and improve our website with this;

  • We use the information you have entered to contact you as a customer or candidate;

  • We use your personal data to perform activities in the context of our services. Think of uploaded CVs.

We collect data for research in order to gain a better insight into our customers, so that we can tailor our services accordingly. For this we use "cookies" (text files that are placed on your computer) to help the website analyze how you as a user use our site. By collecting this data, such as the number of visitors, pages requested, etc., we map the preferences and interests of our visitors. The goal is to tailor our total service package and information offer as closely as possible to the wishes of our visitors. This only concerns numerical data, for which the identity of the visitor is not important.

The following cookies are used by our website:

Functional cookies
These cookies do not collect any personal data about you as a visitor and are necessary for the website to work properly.

Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to keep track of visitor flows, traffic sources and page views, etc. We have adjusted the settings so that the data is processed securely:

  • a processor agreement with Google;

  • masked the last octet of the IP address;

  • 'share data' turned off;

  • do not use other Google services in combination with the Google Analytics cookies.

Refuse cookies

Most browsers are set by default to accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is accepted. However, some functions and services on our website may not function properly if cookies are disabled in your browser.


Trinamics is responsible for seconding and mediating between clients on the one hand and employees on the other. In order to perform the service and the associated tasks, we must process personal data from various parties. Think for example of CVs of candidates, copy of identity documents, etc.

We mediate between medium-sized and large organizations for the acquisition / secondment of new candidates who start working at these companies. The collection and processing of personal data is done for the following purposes:

  • Collecting and processing personal data for applying for candidates;

  • Collecting and processing personal data for the performance and organization of Intakes;

  • Collecting and processing personal data for Matching CVs and Vacancies;

  • Collecting and processing personal data for the payment of salaries and carrying out other processing operations that are necessary under the agreement and legal obligations, such as employment rights of employees or invoicing to customers;

  • Other personal data, in which Trinamics has a legitimate interest and that do not exceed the limits of proportionality.


Processing when applying for candidates
An application by a candidate can be submitted to Trinamics in various ways.

  • An application via the website. The CV is automatically placed in the CRM system. He / she sends an email to the consultant in question that an application has been received. This e-mail does not contain any further personal data of the candidate, except for what is stated on the CV.

  • When applying via one of the job boards, Trinamics will receive an e-mail with the candidate's CV.

  • With 'an active search' the consultants (who have signed an NDA) within Trinamics retrieve the CVs of potential candidates from various online platforms.

  • Emails are also sent directly from candidates with CVs to Trinamics.

Processing in the performance and organization of Intakes
When an intake is conducted with a candidate, there are two possible outcomes.

  • Not a suitable candidate. The rejected candidate remains with CV stored in the CRM system for 5 years, when this expires the CV is anonymized

  • Suitable candidate. CV is drawn up in Trinamics format, the CV of the candidate is retained during the agreement with the customer.

Processing necessary to 'match' candidates with vacancies
A match between candidate and client is recorded in the CRM system. In case of a match Trinamics sends the CV in Trinamics format to the client, this can be done by e-mail or by uploading the CV in an online application.

A complete personnel file is created during a placement. The personnel file goes hard-copy in the folder at the administration and digitally to an internally secured environment.

Sometimes it is also possible that a candidate is reassigned or the employment contract is changed. This is done by means of a change form. When entering service or changing an existing employment contract or assignment, a change form is filled in by the consultant, which contains a lot of information about the candidate and assignment. Form is emailed, printed, and stored digitally and physically.

IND - work permit procedure
For candidates, an application for a work permit at the IND is also provided. Trinamics does this by logging in to the IND application using level 3 E-recognition. Collected data is emailed, printed and stored in a physical and digital file.

Processing necessary for the payment of Salaries and for carrying out other processing

The salaries are processed in our Salary Administration System, all necessary personal data are entered here. The pay slips are emailed to the employees and stored on the internal network to which only authorized persons have access. Salary slips are also available to employees in a web portal.

With the Stipp pension institution, a digital exchange of pension / participant data takes place by means of uploading / downloading salary / invoice data.

Invoices for customers, sent by email, include the employee's name, the applicable week to which it relates, and the sales rate.

We work with the following processors:

  • Carerix

  • NoCore

  • Microsoft Office

  • Stipp Pension

  • IND

  • Human Capital Care

We have concluded a processor agreement with all the above processors.

Retention period

  • Candidate with CV etc. remains in our CRM system for a period of 5 years;

  • Employment file is kept on our internal network;

  • Physical Labor File is ultimately transferred to the archive for the period set by law.

Other data in which Trinamics has a legitimate interest is stored, nonetheless anonymized or encrypted in such a way that data minimization and efficiency are guaranteed.

Change / delete data

You can have the personal data registered with Trinamics changed or deleted at any time. This can be done by e-mail with a request for change / deletion of your personal data.

Security and rights

Security of your data
We ensure that your personal data is treated securely and with care. We have taken both organizational and technical measures for this. You can think of periodic external audits, entering into processor agreements with customers and partners, retraining our employees in privacy and security, etc. Would you like to know more about this? Please contact us.

Rights over your data
You can exercise your rights over the personal data registered with Trinamics at any time. Trinamics therefore ensures that you can freely exercise your rights over your personal data. You have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  • the right of access and information;

  • the right to rectification;

  • the right to erasure of data;

  • the right to restriction of data;

  • the right to object.

If you would like to exercise your rights, you can contact us via , we will contact you as soon as possible.

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