
Posting a technical vacancy? We’ve got you covered!

If you're looking for a quick way to fill your technical vacancy, Trinamics is the right place for you. With us, you can easily and free of charge post your job opening. With years of experience in finding the right technical candidates for our clients, we ensure the perfect match, whether it's for temporary projects or permanent positions. Fill out the form below, and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Looking for talent?

Manouk Beekwilder
Sales & Account manager

Looking for talent?

Manouk Beekwilder
Sales & Account manager

Support from A to Z

In today’s labor market, many companies struggle to find qualified technical personnel. Simply posting a technical vacancy online is often not enough. Without the right support, organizations may fail to attract the candidates needed for success in this sector. Fortunately, Trinamics is here to help. We leverage our expertise and network to find the best technical candidates for your organization. This allows you to focus on what you do best, while we handle what we excel at. All you need to do is post your technical vacancy here for free.

Required Information for Posting a Job Vacancy

To get your vacancy listed correctly, we need some information from you. We've created a simple form that asks for all the necessary details, allowing us to work quickly and efficiently. Filling out the form takes just a few minutes and is very straightforward. There are no costs associated with posting a job vacancy.

Once we receive your completed form, we’ll reach out to you for a personal conversation or to schedule an appointment. During this discussion, we’ll talk about your needs and expectations, and explain how our recruitment process works. We’ll also share our experience and expertise, giving you a clear understanding of how we can help you find the right technical candidate.

If both parties are excited to collaborate, we’ll set everything in motion to find the best technical candidates for you. The first step is to get your job vacancy online across our various platforms. We tap into our extensive technical network and actively focus on finding candidates that fit your organization and culture.

Post a technical vacancy

Enter your information

Enter your information





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Leverage the Power of Trinamics

With an extensive network of technical professionals ready for new opportunities, we have access to the most talented individuals in the industry. If the right person isn't already in our network, we utilize our various platforms and actively search for the perfect fit.

To take as much work off your hands as possible, we offer a wide range of recruitment and selection services, including writing job postings, screening CVs, and conducting interviews. We collaborate with you to understand your needs and ensure we find the ideal candidate who aligns with your company and culture.

Our expertise and years of experience in technical recruitment allow us to understand the specific skills and qualifications needed for technical roles. We are actively involved in the technical community and stay informed on the latest industry developments. This ensures the quality of our services, giving you confidence that your search will deliver results.

Your Vacancy Appears on All Major Job Boards

One of the key strengths of our recruitment process is the high traffic to our website, where your job postings are prominently featured. In addition, we actively leverage major job boards like LinkedIn and Indeed to expand our reach and connect with qualified candidates who may not visit our website directly.

All applications are sent to us, where we carefully screen and select candidates for the initial interview. This allows us to filter out those who do not match your profile and focus on finding the most qualified and suitable candidates, ensuring that only the best are forwarded to the next step in the selection process.

Completely Free

And the best part? Posting a vacancy is completely free. Many recruitment agencies charge fees just to post a job, without any guarantee of results. At Trinamics, we believe in a valuable partnership where you only pay when we successfully find the right candidate for your organization. This means there's no financial risk for you—you only pay for the results we deliver.

Posting a Job Vacancy: Tips & Tricks

To attract the right candidate, it’s important to make your job posting as complete and appealing as possible. We're happy to help with that, so here are a few tips for posting a job vacancy:

  • Share information about the company and its culture: This helps potential candidates determine if the work environment is a good fit for them.

  • Highlight secondary benefits: Candidates are curious about what’s in it for them beyond just the job itself.

  • Include a salary range: Increasingly, candidates won’t apply if a salary range isn’t provided. They want to know if their salary expectations align with the position.

Are you planning to post a job and want more tips? Feel free to reach out to one of our consultants. We’re happy to assist. You can also fill out the form, and discuss it later with the consultant who contacts you—whichever works best for you.

Expats: Recognized Sponsor

As a recognized sponsor, we have the status to easily bring candidates from abroad to the Netherlands. This gives you access to an even larger pool of talented professionals who can strengthen your organization. If you have any questions about this, feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.